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Why Does Electronic Medication Software Need Telephone Order Capability?

Updated: Jun 19, 2024

Telephone orders are vital for the continuity of Consumer care in Aged Care Homes. Though not used as much today, there is still definitive evidence that electronic medication software should have the capability to not only record a telephone order, but communicate the order to the pharmacy and have capability for administration from the regular and PRN medication administration rounds all in one centralized location.

We were asked the question: If prescribers can access the software remotely then why does the electronic medication management system need telephone order capability?

If a prescriber cannot access an electronic device, emma our eNRMC medication management software allows for telephone order creation, this order is automatically sent to pharmacy and the nurses can begin administration straight away ensuring continuity of care. This is vital for hospital discharge, outside standard hour’s emergencies and in the event the aged care home cannot access a locum service.

emma customers are satisfied that they can continue to provide medications safely to their Consumers at all times.

emma is simple, yet comprehensively complete; we give Residential Care Providers peace of mind that the right medications are given on time, every time.

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